Headteacher's Welcome

"It is a pleasure to welcome you to our website. We are very proud of our caring school, its wonderful children, the dedicated, talented staff and supportive community."
- Ms J Kenna, Headteacher

St John Fisher is a bright, busy, welcoming school, where there is always lots going on. We benefit from highly committed staff, who work well together to ensure every child reaches their potential whatever their aptitude or ability. We aim to provide the best possible education for our children and value spiritual, academic, creative, sporting, social and personal development equally highly...

Values & Mission

Love - Learn - Achieve

"Together we grow in God's love, learning to be the best we can be."

The school, in partnership with parents, carers and with the parish of St John Fisher, offers to each one of its children a Catholic education centred on Christ, which enables them to grow in God's love, learning to be the best they can be, in accordance with Christian values...

Diverse Curriculum

St John Fisher actively promotes a creative, broad and exciting curriculum for our children. We have planned our curriculum based on a themed approach. Please click on 'Read More' to learn more about the content of each theme. 

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