Early Years

Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential.’
(Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, 2021)

In the Foundation Stage classes (Nursery and Reception) it is our intention to provide experiences that stimulate, challenge and support learning appropriate to the abilities and needs of each child. We value child initiated play as an important part of how children learn. We as educators help and encourage children to develop as independent learners. We ensure that learning for young children is a rewarding and enjoyable experience in which they explore, investigate, discover, create, practise, rehearse, repeat, revise, and also consolidate their developing knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes. During the Early Years Foundation stage many of these aspects of learning are brought together through playing and talking.

Our aim is to see happy, independent children who love to learn. We recognise that every child has a variety of needs that are met over their time in the Early Years Foundation Stage.

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