Medication in Schools Form
Parents are requested to inform the school about any medical conditions, dietary requirements etc, as they arise and at least annually on the Individual Pupil Information/Emergency Contact form.
If a child becomes ill during the school day, parents will be informed as soon as possible. In the case of an accident then one of our qualified first aiders will treat the injury and parents will be informed by a letter of the injury and treatment which was given. In circumstances where the first-aider feels further medical assistance is required then parents will be contacted and asked to collect their child, so they can decide on the course of action to take or take the child to their GP for further advice. In extreme emergencies the school may contact the emergency services and if the child needs to go to hospital a designated member of staff will accompany them until a parent arrives.
Pills and medicines should not be brought to school unless they have been prescribed by a doctor. In these cases special arrangements to give the child these medicines during the school day can be made on receipt of a doctor’s letter, completion of a Medicine’s in School form and checking that the medicine bears the child’s name and is in date.
Special dietary requirements and allergies: We work very closely with our School Meals provider, to provide meals for children with specific dietary needs and ask you to inform us as soon as possible about such requirements. If a child does require a special diet it can only be provided following a letter from your G.P. confirming the allergy/dietary requirement.
We also ask on our annual school form and the emergency contact form that you indicate any allergies which children have.