You may wish to reflect on the messages given in collective worship at home, or to simply spend time reflecting with your family. Please feel free to click on the following links to support you living out your faith at home and feel connected with our practise at school. 

Wednesday Word - sharing Sunday's Gospel with family and friends

Mark 10 Mission Liturgies - Word of God, Pray and Worship together

Mark 10 Mission Little Liturgies - for younger children

CAFOD Family Lent CalendarKidzZone

Other Prayer Opportunities for Parents

Please click on the image above to get to the 'Pray as you go' website. 

Pray As You Go is a daily prayer session, designed to go with you wherever you go, to help you pray whenever you find time, but particularly whilst travelling to and from work, study, etc. A new prayer session is produced every day of the working week and one session for the weekend. It is not a 'Thought for the Day', a sermon or a bible-study, but rather a framework for your own prayer. Lasting between ten and thirteen minutes, it combines music, scripture and some questions for reflection.

Our aim is to help you to:

  • Become more aware of God's presence in your life;
  • Listen to and reflect on God's word;
  • Grow in your relationship with God.

Hallow is an app that can be downloaded to your phone or device. 

Pray with the reading from the daily Gospel each morning in just 5, 10, or 15 minutes.

Fall asleep with sleep Bible stories from Fr. Mike Schmitz, Jonathan Roumie, or Night Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours.

Meditate on scripture with the daily Rosary on your way to work, with your morning coffee, or as you go about your day.