
Under English law, governing bodies of Catholic schools have a corporate responsibility to ensure that their schools are managed in accordance with the Diocesan Trust Deed or the Trust Deed of the relevant religious institution, and the school’s Instrument of Government or Memorandum of Understanding, Articles of Association and Supplemental Agreements for academies, as well as complying with all other legal requirements.

The members of the governing body care very much for the well-being of the school and its pupils. The governing body has a general responsibility to ensure that the school is run effectively and provides the best education for its pupils. To carry out its duties effectively, the governing body works closely with the headteacher and senior staff. The governing body's main duties are to advise and challenge the headteacher in implementing school policies, surveying parents' views, setting budgets, responding to inspection, recruitment, staff discipline and appeals. The governing body monitors all of the above, along with the standards of education and achievement, in order to hold the school to account.

The governing body is made up of the following members :-

  • 6x Foundation Governors appointed by the Archdiocese of Southwark
  • 2x Parent Governors
  • 1x Staff Governor
  • 1 Head Teacher

Since the 1st of September 2015, governing bodies have been under a duty to publish their register of interests on their website. This sets out the relevant business interests of governors, details of any other education establishments they govern, and any relationships between governors and members of school staff including spouses, partners and relatives.

Meet The Governors

Kate Blom

Kate Blom

Chair of Governors​

Responsibilities: Trustee of St John Fisher Governors' Fund Trustees (Chair)

Background: Having studied Maths and Computing I have 25+ years experience working in IT. I currently work as a Product Manager in Financial Services.​ I've been a member of the St John Fisher parish for the past 16 years.

Personal Statement: I have two children studying at the Ursuline and Richard Challoner having received a great education and start to life here at St John Fisher. Having benefited myself from a Catholic state education in N Ireland, I feel privileged to chair a committed governing body who work alongside Ms Kenna and her senior leadership team to ensure that each pupil continues to receive a high quality education regardless of their background.

Alain van West

Alain van West

Vice Chair of Governors, Foundation Governor

Responsibilities: Trustee of the St. John Fisher School Governors’ Fund, Lead Governor Safeguarding

Background: I have worked at senior executive level in Travel Management and Travel Technology for companies such as SAP and American Express. Lately, I have completely refocused my efforts in working on professionalising women’s rugby. I have also been on the Sacred Heart Church Finance Committee for over 5 years, as well as been on several boards. I have run 3 marathons on behalf of Jesuit Missions, including a sub 4 hour performance on the last one!

Personal Statement: I have lived in Merton for over 40 years. Whilst my 2 older children went to Sacred Heart Primary School in Raynes Park, my youngest son spent all his primary education at St John Fisher from reception to Year 6. I volunteered to become a Foundation Governor as I am extremely lucky to have had the professional and educational experiences I have had, and I would like to give back and positively contribute to the development of the generation of the future.

Richard Fisher

Richard Fisher

Foundation Governor

Responsibilites: Lead Governor PP/Disadvantaged Students

Background: I qualified formally as a primary school teacher in 2012, entering education as a learning support assistant. I have taught in north-west, west and south-west London for over 10 years, leading on English and Maths in two separate schools. Before teaching, I worked in theatre, as a fundraiser and in an education / outreach capacity. Currently I work for London Metropolitan University as their senior outreach officer, focusing on widening participation and access.

Personal Statement: I am delighted to serve as Governor at St John Fisher Primary School. Since moving into the local area from Streatham in 2019 and being parishioners, friends have always spoken incredibly positively about the school and community. Therefore to represent the school and have one of my daughters attend is fantastic and a privilege. I have always been passionate about what schools and education can offer children and young people, particularly outside of the traditional classroom: in terms of real-life experiences and learning, skills and personal development. I believe my knowledge of education from primary through to post-16 opportunities can add value to the existing team and whole school community.

Frank Huidobro

Frank Huidobro

Foundation Governor

Responsibilities: Trustee of the St. John Fisher School Governors’ Fund

Background: I am a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Institution if Civil Engineers. Over the past 30 years I have been involved in projects and businesses in the Aviation, Health, Prison, Education, Commercial and Security & Defence sectors in the UK and overseas.

Personal Statement: I have two children who both started their education at St John Fisher and have gone on to University and are now starting their own careers. I began my involvement in the Governing Body as a Parent Governor and am now a Foundation Governor. Over that time I have seen the school grow and develop into what it is today, providing a safe and happy Catholic educational environment. I have a particular interest in how the school facilities have had to evolve over time to support the education of the pupils and how we continue that support into the future and provide them with the best possible Primary Education experience.

Louisa Asgill

Louisa Asgill

Foundation Governor

Responsibilities: Trustee of the St. John Fisher School Governors’ Fund, Lead Governor Safeguarding

Background: I qualified as a lawyer in Australia in 2005, and since then have enjoyed living and working in Sydney, Melbourne, and (now) London. I have spent the last eight years of my career specialising in legal risk, regulatory compliance and professional ethics, and currently work as a senior lawyer at the London office of a global law firm. I also have a keen interest in charity law and governance, and I am a trustee of a local charity supporting families with young children

Personal Statement: My family and I became parishioners of St John Fisher Church in 2018, and both of my children have been very happy pupils of the school since joining in Reception. Having experienced first-hand the warmth of the St John Fisher school community and the dedication of the teachers, staff and school leaders, I am delighted to have the opportunity to serve as a governor. I look forward to using my skills and experience to support the school in providing the best education for its pupils in accordance with its “love, learn, achieve” values.

Ms J Kenna

Ms J Kenna

Head Teacher

Miriam Davis

Miriam Davis

Foundation Governor

Responsibilities: Lead Governor Catholic Ethos/RE

Background: I am a retired teacher. I started my career in 1974 in Malta where I taught History, Italian and Religious Education at an all girls secondary school. In 1979 I married and moved to England. For the following 10 years I was a full time mum raising my two children. I resumed my career in 1989 when I became a year 5 teacher at St Catherine’s Middle School. There I was the Year 5 Leader and also taught History and Religious Education in Years 6, 7, and 8. Upon the closure of St Catherine’s, I had the option of teaching at Wimbledon College or moving to a Primary School, I chose the latter. In 2000 I moved to St John Fisher Primary School where I established the first Year 5 class. At SJF I held the responsibilities Literacy Co Ordinator, Performance Manager and RE Co Ordinator. During my last two years at SJF, I had the pleasure of introducing the Italian Language in KS2 which replaced French. I am also a Eucharistic Minister, a Confirmation Catechist and the RCIA Leader for the SJF Parish.

Personal Statement: I have two children who have both followed in my career and are primary school teachers. Both my children attended Catholic schools and Universities with a strong Christian ethos. Teaching was always my chosen career ever since I was five years old when I started “teaching” my younger siblings in our backyard. During my long years of teaching I have experienced many changes, met some wonderful adults and many amazing children who always give me so much happiness, keep me young and never cease to amaze me. It gives me the greatest pleasure to be a Foundation Governor at the school where I spent many happy years and which I have seen grow, evolve and move with the times as required while maintaining the strong Catholic ethos. In my role as Foundation Governor, I hope to continue to support SJF school in providing the best possible Christian Primary education experience.

Mrs K Newman

Mrs K Newman

Staff Governor

Governors Documents

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Minutes of Full Governing Body meetings 2023-2024

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Minutes from separate committee meetings are available by request to the school office.