Tour Dates

We are delighted to be able to offer in-person school tours once again.

These tours are held regularly throughout the year.

For further information and the forms which you need to apply please go to the ADMISSIONS section on this website.


Monday 16th September 2024
Monday 7th October 2024
Monday 4th November 2024
Monday 25th November 2024
Monday 9th December 2024
Tuesday 7th January 2025
Monday 3rd February 2025
Monday 10th March 2025
Thursday 24th April 2025
Monday 19th May 2025
Monday 9th June 2025
Monday 7th July 2025

For the safety of the school and visitors places will be limited - please call the school office on 020 8540 2637 to book a place.

We look forward to meeting you.    Please do take a virtual tour with the video below.