Music is at the heart of school life at St John Fisher.
Music has the potential to make a significant contribution to children’s development: increasing confidence and self-esteem, developing leadership, team working, concentration and problem-solving skills, and developing identity and improving social cohesion within the school and wider community.  It is also well recognised that music can help to develop the skills, attitudes and attributes that can support learning in other national curriculum subjects.
St John Fisher recognises the impact of music and that is why music is so embedded in our school life.
Our Music specialist (from Merton Music Foundation) delivers curriculum lessons across the school and we also have:
·         collective worship;
·         singing assemblies;
·         performances / assemblies / shows for the whole school and for parents;
·         whole-class instrumental lessons;
·         Singing Leaders – older children leading outdoor singing for younger children;
·         an active KS2 choir – regularly leading singing in school and the community;
·         music visits – visits to the Royal Festival Hall, Royal Albert Hall, New Wimbledon Theatre to participate in interactive                music concerts by professional musicians;
·         Carol service and Easter service for KS1 & 2;
·         Nativity for Early Years;
·         Instrumental concerts;
·         Music on a Summer’s Evening – a whole school musical celebration for parents and members of the community, showcasing every year group.

We also work closely with our music partners:
·         Merton Music Foundation (MMF) who deliver local programs for enrichment;

·         Individual instrumental lessons (piano, guitar and drumkit) delivered by a visiting peripatetic team from MMF;

·         London Sinfonietta support us with resources to inspire composition and an annual Sounds Out interactive concert or upper KS2;

·         London Philharmonic Orchestra support us with interactive resources for their BrightSparks program for KS1 and KS2.

Of course, music is not only for the children; we also have a musically active staff who are always ready to entertain the children with our annual Christmas song and video!

Music is taught by class teachers from Nursery to Year 6. We also have a music specialist teacher, Ms Reuss, who visits each week (from Merton Music Foundation) to help carry out projects with specific year groups and to enhance our music curriculum across the school. 

Please click on the files provided to find detailed information about our approach to this subject at St John Fisher. 

Progression of Skills & Knowledge Map

Merton Music Foundation